The two day clinic that will revolutionize the strategies for coaching multi-directional speed is now here...
Attention All Coaches, Trainers and Athletes:
Do you want to discover, in detail, how multi-directional speed is improved using proven coaching strategies on acceleration, explosive training, cutting, and tons more?
The Next Level Speed Clinics are finally here! And it is bigger and better than anything before it. Next Level Speed Clinics set the industry standard for how athletic multi-directional speed should be taught.
Next Level Speed Clinics will change how you look at every athlete from this day forward. You will have such command over athletic multi-directional speed you will be able to coach any court or field sport athlete...PERIOD!
Do you want to discover, in detail, how multi-directional speed is improved using proven coaching strategies on acceleration, explosive training, cutting, and tons more?
The Next Level Speed Clinics are finally here! And it is bigger and better than anything before it. Next Level Speed Clinics set the industry standard for how athletic multi-directional speed should be taught.
Next Level Speed Clinics will change how you look at every athlete from this day forward. You will have such command over athletic multi-directional speed you will be able to coach any court or field sport athlete...PERIOD!
Join Us For Our Elite Speed Clinics
On November 25th & December 2nd
Morning Sessions 10am-12pm Afternoon Sessions 1pm-3pm
Location: Next Level Fitness, 8 Mamaku Street, Inglewood
Participants must be over 14 years old
Here is what Next Level Speed Clinics give you...
Clinic # 1
Workshop #1 (morning session) Warm Up & Cutting
Clinic # 1
Workshop #1 (morning session) Warm Up & Cutting
- Discover the complete warm up system we have used to prepare our athletes for the best performances of their lives. See how to prepare your athletes' muscles before any other training has begun, how to activate and energize the neuro-muscular system, when and how to use corrective stretching, and how to perform a proper dynamic warm up regardless of the age and ability of the athletes.
- You will love the post warm up continuation of stability and balance training. This might be the missing link many coaches never use to properly bring athletes along. This section has helped us to keep our athletes moving at their best.
- Cutting might be one of the most mis-understood areas of athletic speed. After completing this clinic, you will have no doubt what an athlete needs to do when it comes to cutting.
- Cutting has many different shapes and sizes depending on the situation. We show you exactly how the footwork should occur in over 5 major cutting patterns athletes commonly use on the court and field.
- See why the common method most coaches and trainers are teaching you are not only bad for performance, but could be setting your athletes up for injury.
- Discover why and when an athlete has to sit into the cut and when he or she must explode with speed through the cut for maximum performance.
Workshop # 2 (afternoon session) Deceleration & Acceleration
- ONCE AND FOR ALL, we end the argument about which leg is used in deceleration. We clearly outline which leg is used when and why it is used. We have been preaching this for years and too many coaches are missing the point. We are fearful athletes will become hurt if coaches keep emphasizing the wrong technique. Let us clear this up for you immediately!
- Discover why the shoulders can make or break the work that the legs and feet do. If the shoulders are out of alignment during deceleration or acceleration the athlete's movement will be slower.
- Find out the key cues that can make you look like a magic worker with your athletes. Athletes will no longer have questions about how to decelerate or accelerate properly - you will coach them perfectly.
- Learn a fool proof progression of how to coach deceleration and acceleration. Watch and see how simple we keep the acceleration progression. You will immediately see how you can add to these progressions to have a season’s worth of skills and exercises to coach your athletes through- for any sport!
- Become crystal clear as to why you must coach acceleration to fully finish deceleration mechanics. If you get nothing else out of the enormous coaching clinic you must understand the concept of finishing deceleration by adding acceleration!
Clinic # 2
Workshop # 3 (morning session) Jumping and Landing
Workshop # 3 (morning session) Jumping and Landing
- It will become completely apparent as to why you must coach the athletes on Landing Mechanics first. If you skip this step you might as well forget about getting optimal performance out of your athletes - plus you probably lead them down the road to injury.
- Find out how to progress the athletes from Jumping and all the variations to Leaping and its variations, and finally to Hopping and all of its variations.
- Find out the exact mechanics for every jump, leap and hop. Discover highly advanced techniques. You will know how to coach jumping and plyometrics.
- Learn how you can implement training tools to improve and assess jumping, from low 10cm platforms all the way up to big 75cm platforms.
- Do you think using platforms is always a more difficult progression? We will show you why you might be wrong and when to think differently.
Workshop # 4 Olympic Lifting for Speed
- We absolutely love coaching Olympic lifting. You will see why in this instructional coaching clinic.
- Discover the simple yet most effective progression for teaching any athlete how to perform the basic clean, snatch, jerk, and all the variations.
- Watch and listen to how you can easily introduce these skills to younger athletes.
- Understand that you are not only training competitive lifters, but coaching athletes how to use their body to quickly accelerate and create power and quickness. Olympic lifts are a great tool to do just that and I will show you exactly how you can coach your athletes for success in the lifts.
- See how you can use PVC pipe, DB’s, and light training bars to bring about confidence in your athletes.
- For those of you who want to know how to perform the competitive lift clean and jerk and the snatch from the floor we will show you exactly how it is done.
- Racking the bar on the shoulders in the clean is vital to being safe and effective - we will show you exactly how to coach this to your athletes. Receiving the bar with locked out arms directly in the line of most stability is the goal in the snatch. Let us show you how this is done.
Next Level Speed Clinics
Were $300 including GST.
Introductory Special Now Only $149
Book Your Spot Now!
Call Next Level Fitness Today
027 490 0861 or 06 927 3542
The development of Next Level Speed clinics took place over five years and has more information than any other service we have ever produced.
The reason is, we want you to have complete control of every stage of coaching your athletes on athletic multi-directional speed.
Why is Our Information So Important For You To Have?
We explain details most coaches simply don’t understand. We have spent over 10 years studying athletic multi-directional speed and the impact it has on sports performance.
We have uncovered and challenged the industry on the hot topic of foot placement during first step acceleration in every direction. We have even challenged the establishment when it comes to knee and ankle positioning during the critical stages of initial planting. This alone has created more powerful and explosive athletes while cultivating a safer movement environment for all athletes.
We realized the methods of the old days were outdated and had never been questioned. We questioned them and when we didn’t get good answers we created proper coaching systems that made sense.
Why is pivoting too slow and potentially dangerous? Why do athletes need to learn how to move their feet under their centre of mass and not the other way around? Why should the knees be inside the foot during hard cutting and change of direction? We challenged these and many other questions and found the correct answers so you and your athletes can benefit.
The reason is, we want you to have complete control of every stage of coaching your athletes on athletic multi-directional speed.
Why is Our Information So Important For You To Have?
We explain details most coaches simply don’t understand. We have spent over 10 years studying athletic multi-directional speed and the impact it has on sports performance.
We have uncovered and challenged the industry on the hot topic of foot placement during first step acceleration in every direction. We have even challenged the establishment when it comes to knee and ankle positioning during the critical stages of initial planting. This alone has created more powerful and explosive athletes while cultivating a safer movement environment for all athletes.
We realized the methods of the old days were outdated and had never been questioned. We questioned them and when we didn’t get good answers we created proper coaching systems that made sense.
Why is pivoting too slow and potentially dangerous? Why do athletes need to learn how to move their feet under their centre of mass and not the other way around? Why should the knees be inside the foot during hard cutting and change of direction? We challenged these and many other questions and found the correct answers so you and your athletes can benefit.
The Ball is in Your Court…
What are you going to do about it?
You can continue with the same old information that has produced minimal results. You can use outdated information that quite frankly is dangerous to athletes of all ages and abilities. You can watch disappointed athletes become more and more frustrated…
OR you can join the movement…
Next Level Speed Clinics are dedicated to improving the state of how we coach athletic multi-directional speed. You need to be on board because we know you want the best for your athletes.
Next Level Speed Clinic
For Only $97 Normally $149
Why should you trust Next Level Speed Clinics?
Next Level Fitness owner Dane Ladbrook is one of the most recognized fitness trainers in New Zealand. He has worked with international Hockey, Soccer and Netball reps and also with the Waikato Netball region, Waikato Rugby Union and the Chiefs Rugby franchise. He travels the country providing workshops, seminars and training clinics to regions, clubs and high schools. He also his own fitness training facility in Inglewood which caters for athletes and non athletes of all levels with a range of training plans to suit all needs.
Yours in Speed,
Next Level Speed Clinic
What are you going to do about it?
You can continue with the same old information that has produced minimal results. You can use outdated information that quite frankly is dangerous to athletes of all ages and abilities. You can watch disappointed athletes become more and more frustrated…
OR you can join the movement…
Next Level Speed Clinics are dedicated to improving the state of how we coach athletic multi-directional speed. You need to be on board because we know you want the best for your athletes.
Next Level Speed Clinic
For Only $97 Normally $149
Why should you trust Next Level Speed Clinics?
Next Level Fitness owner Dane Ladbrook is one of the most recognized fitness trainers in New Zealand. He has worked with international Hockey, Soccer and Netball reps and also with the Waikato Netball region, Waikato Rugby Union and the Chiefs Rugby franchise. He travels the country providing workshops, seminars and training clinics to regions, clubs and high schools. He also his own fitness training facility in Inglewood which caters for athletes and non athletes of all levels with a range of training plans to suit all needs.
Yours in Speed,
Next Level Speed Clinic
P.S. - Are you going to continue with the same old information that has produced minimal results or join the movement? Don't pass up on this unbelievable opportunity! Register now!
Email [email protected] or Phone 027 490 8061
Email [email protected] or Phone 027 490 8061